In the previous post we introduced one of the many new features that were added to MoveIt! with its first update in 2017. Next feature we want to mention is the “stop motion”, which we’ve received many questions from our NEXTAGE users about.
Other than situations where you need to stop robots to move for the safety reasons, there can be many cases you want to stop/cancel/halt your robot for your application. The standard way to achieve this in MoveIt! had been lacking, which is finally organized this time (lead by a student at GSoC project by the way).
It works well with Pepper robot on simulation. You see in the following Youtube video (link in case you don't see the video pasted) that the arm stops as soon as the “stop” button on RViz was clicked.
This nice feature, however, does not YET work with the NEXTAGE Open. Don’t worry much, there’s a work going on already and we confirmed a patch submitted from a community member solves the issue on simulation! We just need to test the patch on the real NEXTAGE Open robot, and this is where we need a help from the robot owners. If you think you can help us testing with your own robot, please contact TORK at info[a_t]opensource-robotics.tokyo.jp or joint the discussion at the ticket for this issue on Github so that we’ll communicate with you. Thank you for your understanding toward the opensource!