We just released ROS tools for handling laser scan data “scan_tools” into ROS Indigo, Jade. laser_scan_matcher or polar_scan_matcher
packages enable 2D pose estimation solely based on the laser scan
input. It can be also used as odometry without relying on other sensor
data correction. On Ubuntu linux you can install via apt command.
- Ok, actually, we didn’t build anything. We just sorted out and
“re-published” the source code so that people can install by a single
command. Its source code was made by CCNY Robotics Lab.
- Video:
- apt package management sysytem on Ubuntu
- OSRF, management team of ROS maintains the infrastructure that builds, tests, and distributes ROS packages that the developers of each package submit. Involving volunteers, it’s eye-maintained almost 24/7
- Each package’s developers and maintainers are deligently conforming to the rule and vigorously submitting the updates
Using Ubuntu linux, you have so many ROS packages readily available just 1-command away, much like apps on your smart phones. As of today on ROS Indigo 2,034 packages are awaiting in the cloud (If you’re curious how the sea of cloud actually looks like, sneak peak from Build Status). To make this wonder happen, there are a few things:
- What makes ROS as sized is this many package maintainers; today more than 200 persons have made a release.
A dilemma of a huge project to last long, like ROS with longer than 6 years, may be that some maintainers may go away as they move on to new projects (while some remain although they are not actively using the packages they take care of!). But most of the times with a minimal care, the packages can be revitalized and made compatible with the latest ROS platform. This is what TORK did for the aforementioned scan_tools package suite and we’ll continue this kind of effort to help opensource community shine even more.